Thankfully, the media center specialist let Mrs. Cannon hide the eggs in the Library. The kids waited patiently while the teacher told them the rules. Nati was really excited! Look at the cute baskets the teachers made out of milk gallons!

Off she goes...look in the shelves, above the shelves, and in between books...

Now lets count them and make sure we all have the same amount..."one, two, three...mami, look at all the pretty colors!"

Now the long walk back to the classroom..."I can hardly wait to see what is inside my eggs".

We had another Easter egg hunt at the park last Saturday before general conference. Here is Lauryn swinging at the park before it's time to look for eggs.

And Nati...


Apparently, a squirrel got a hold of this one before Lauryn did!

Anthony considers himself to old for this, he was just tagging along...and eating the candy!

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